Albinism is a genetically inherited non-contagious condition. It can affect the skin, or the hair and or the eyes and can not be treated but categorised and symptoms well managed.

Oculocutaneous albinism affects the skin, hair and the eyes simultaneously.

Ocular albinism only affects the eyes, mainly the iris and the retina.

Generally people with Albinism have extreme sensitivity to light, involuntary rapid eye movements and severely impaired vision. They can only see up to a limited distance both at near and at far. Two pairs of spectacles or the use of sunglasses only are impractical. Ideally a good pair of prescription spectacles with photo chromic / transition and anti-glare coating is the best. This will allow the person to easily adapt in different environments. For those whose condition is severe, special visual aids might be required. These include magnifiers, loupes or bioptic telescopes, sometimes even the use of special monitors.

We as Opti Eyewear Optometrist have the honour to assist 7 individuals obtain spectacles. We strive to give back to our community and make a difference where we can. On the 13th June together with the rest of the world, we will reflect on and honour the human rights of people living with Albinism.