Yes, of all the five senses we have, I too took the eyes for granted. To me they were there by right of birth and being able to see and identify things was just a norm. Never once did I think that their physiology is complex yet so amazing with an anatomy resembling nothing but proof that Gods creations are astounding.
I wasn’t interested in neither the history nor the theory. All I wanted during that Open-Day was to operate one of those complex looking machines and be out of breadth, if there were to be any chances of me showing interest.
Was thinking “pupil, iris and eyeball, what more’? What I didn’t know as I leaned forward to look through the Slit lamp was that indeed the eye was a window. Not a window leading to a black empty hole, rather one leading into the life of cells and structures perfectly in sync to function as a team.
It moved up and down as if inhaling and exhaling because the gentleman sitting down as the volunteer was breathing. I checked but that wasn’t the case. It was moving in a different rhythm. The brown coloured structure looked like a carpet woven stitch by stitch and weaved into a net. (The Iris) The hollow structure with plaited like edges was just hollow and not black as such. (The Pupil) I looked deeper and saw what looked like a plastic transparent like saucer. (The Lens) I was glued to the machine and politely asked if there was more to see. The demonstrator instructed me to turn the black knob on the side back and forth and try to focus some more. Wow! I was looking through it the whole time. A plastic cling wrap like layer which seemed to be protecting all the inner structures I had seen initially. (The Cornea)
I was perplexed and at that moment I knew that I wasn’t turning back on such beauty for anything else. I giggled “Optometry here I come”! And eight years later I still as am excited as the first time when I laid my eye on someone else’s eye.
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