Nelson Mandela Centenary Celebrations

Nelson Mandela Centenary Celebrations

On the 23rd April 2018 we were honoured to be part of the Nelson Mandela Centenary Celebrations that took place at the Constitutional Hill. This was a great collaboration amoungst the Nelson Mandela foundation and various volunteer organizations. It was fulfilling to take time out and help Sterkinekor and the South African Optometric Association carry […]

Celebrating Eye Month

Celebrating Eye Month

In celebration of “October Eye Month ” we were honoured to have been allowed to put smiles on the faces of learners from Khombindlela primary school in Tsakane. We took our social responsibility to heart and helped educate and highlight the importance of good vision and how it directly impacts the performance and learning ability […]

Sponsoring Education: Sankofa Tutorial School Program

Sponsoring Education: Sankofa Tutorial School Program

In June of 2017, Opti Eyewear Optometrist sponsored the SANKOFA tutorial school program with transportation. We covered the logistics of getting each learner to the educational center and back to their homes safely. We believe in the value of education for a bright future. Therefore, we are inspired by young people to who sacrifice their […]